…made charts about my sex life

i made charts about my sexual history, including things like how many people fucked while drunk, how many friends vs strangers i kissed, how good people were in relation to how well i knew them, etc, based on my list when i was at uni. i dont have them anymore, lost in my laptop graveyard. but i have started doing them again. i dont have all my old diaries that has all the details in atm though so it is a bit hard. but here is the first two ive done. a simple one of how many people people i have fucked and when, comparing how many each month. and another one showing the cumulative total of how many people i have fucked over the past 10 years.


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...couldn't sleep

Mon Jan 4 , 2010
i have gone to bed for only the second night since tuesday, on my own. and now i cant sleep. so i thought now would be a good time to outline my current situations. i thought it would be good to put down where i am at the moment with […]

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